Mrs. Housewife is going to plant some bulbs and craft and bake a cake and if there is time left after that I'm going to clean!!!!
It all seems so unreal. Don't get me wrong I love gardening and when the bulbs flower I will relish in their beauty every day until they wilt.I love to craft, creating something from nothing makes me feel good. My family loves what I bake,and I love treating them to some sugary gooey goodness. No matter how much I try to pretend I like to clean I so do not,but I do love a tidy house.
It just seems sometimes that I'm watching some other me do these things as if there is no way I could actually be this person referred to as mother or wife...
image found at ladiesroom.com
I know how you feel, especially about baking! I love it, especially when things turn out brilliantly and taste delicious. I'm the same with cleaning too - i hate mess yet i hate tidying. It's rather annoying having to decide whether i want a tidy house or not!